Enterprise solutions are designed to integrate multiple facets of a company’s business through the interchange of information from various business process areas
and related databases. These solutions enable companies to retrieve and disseminate mission-critical data throughout the organization, providing managers with
real-time operating information.
Enterprise Solutions provide for a scalable, easy to manage programming solution to providing business management and information accessibility for internal and
external clients. Enterprise solutions deal with the problem of providing information to clients both externally and internally.
It deals with programming and databases. The main problem being how to most efficiently get our data accessible to those we want to access it.
At Kainos,
we focus on assisting customers in implementing enterprise systems at a lower cost than standard industry platforms, while maintaining high reliability,
availability and scalability.
Should be able to be sure information is not being stolen by those we don't want to have access to it.
Should be able to accommodate an increase in clients.
Should be easy to program.
Should provide ability to manage the implementation including version control software and software that helps manage team effort with regard to providing the solution.
Should be able to accommodate changes in technology.